2009 Work Session M1/M2

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August 20, 2009. This photo shows the north side of MS 504 just before starting to slide the car north on the greased rails. The near cable goes to the winch on Russ Hanscom’s truck to the north in the parking lot; the far cable goes to the winch on MHC’s skid steer on the south side of the car. As the two winch operators cannot see or hear each other, Ed Lowrance is coordinating the operation of the winches. The pier blocks and ties on which the cars will be placed are visible on the fresh ballast in front of Ed and beneath the rails. Note that this side of the car is lettered for the F&CC. At some point, decades ago, Charles Bovey, who rescued these four cars from the Elkhorn Mine site, had one side lettered and numbered for the MS, and the other side for the F&CC. Photo by Roger Breeding.
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